Application Form

We are now accepting applications for 2024 Artists in Residence on a rolling basis until our spots are filled.

Artist Resident Application Checklist

To apply to be an Artist in Residence for one, two, or three months, please collect the following components: 

  • A brief statement of intent (200 words) that describes your area of research and/or the key inquiries of your practice. Given that this is a remote and communal setting, tell us why you’d like to participate in a SAR residency.

  • A Curriculum Vitae (2 pages max, PDF) that includes a short bio.

  • Examples of Work: Visual artists and makers should submit up to 10 images and/or links to access sound/video/digital artworks online. Curators and writers should submit 2-3 samples (1-2 pages max. each) from published works or descriptions of projects.

  • References: Provide names and contact emails of two individuals who have known you for at least one year in a professional capacity.

Please submit all requested materials below:

If you have any difficulties with submitting your application material, please email:


Apply via email by collecting all requested application materials above and submitting them through a Google Drive folder or WeTransfer file.

When you receive confirmation regarding your residency you will be required to send a deposit which will guarantee your placement.